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Strathclyde Windscreens go local!

The passed few weeks we’ve been writing our blogs to focus on the local areas we cover. With over 30 years in the trade, we have built up a lot of local knowledge. This week we’ve decided to toot the horn for;

East Lothian

Here at Strathclyde Windscreens we are always happy to send our mobile team over to East Lothian! Our number one reason has to be that it gets more hours of sunshine than anywhere else in the whole of Scotland. Plus there are over 40 miles of some of the most beautiful, unspoilt and picturesque beaches in the UK. Sunshine + beaches is a winning combination!

But East Lothian is also so much more than Edinburgian’s favourite beach getaway. It also boasts a vibrant watersports scene (both sailing and surfing) has several bustling towns, including Musselburgh and Haddington. In fact, East Lothian is sometimes referred to as “Haddingtonshire”.

Historically the fate of the region has been marked by border disputes and changes in management, even going as far back as the Roman invasion. Reminders of this history are notable in the many ruined and haunted looking castles across East Lothian, some of which were captured and some abandoned over the centuries. There’s also plenty of castles that have stood the test of time though and are very popular with tourists too.

Some of the roads in East Lothian are perhaps not in the best nick, and we receive maybe a higher than average number of call outs in this region. Coastal roads in particular, being winding and damaged by the salt content, often throw up stones, causing chips and cracks on windscreens for unwary drivers. We’re well used to it though, so if that does happen to you, give Strathclyde Windscreens a ring and we are confident you will not be disappointed in either our services or our prices.

Call us: 01698 286428 | 24 hours a day / 365 days a year or email:

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